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Giáo án Anh văn lớp 7 : Tên bài dạy : Unit 14: Freetime fun . Lesson 5: B3 &B4.

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'giáo án anh văn lớp 7 : tên bài dạy : unit 14: freetime fun . lesson 5: b3 &b4.', ngoại ngữ, anh ngữ phổ thông phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Unit 14 Freetime fun Lesson 5 B3 B4. I. Objectives. -After the lesson Ss will be able to practice about the topic TV programs and they will know some program in English What is on TV today - To drill Ss listening skills. II. Teaching aids. Text book work book tape casstte. III. Teaching procedure 1. Organization 2. Oral test - Ask Ss to do the exercise B1 p90 in the work book. 3. Teaching process A. Warm up - Ask Ss to look at the order of the listening and listen to the tape to write the correct time for each program. - Provide the meaning of new word A fistful of Dollars phim đồng tiền vấy máu - Play the tape three times and ask Ss to write the time -Ask Ss to give the correct answers. a Children s program starts at five. b The early news is at six. c The weather forecast is at ten past six. d The movie A fistful of dollars starts at seven. B. Presentation Pre- reading. Ask Ss to look at the reading and guess the topic of the lesson through the pictures and write down the new words The Moffats band ban nhạc Mofats. Four contestants of The road to the Olympia Peak 4 thí sinh trong đường lê đỉnh Olympia. The famous detective Sherlock Holmes thám tử lừng danh Sherlock Homes. Audience khan giả Show chương trình biểu diễn Perform biểu diễn Contest cuộc thi While -reading -Ask ss to read the reading and answer the questions in the book. -Write the answers on the BB after share the answers to the partners. work in pairs a Teenagers like to hear the lastest pop music and see the shows of their favorite artists. a In contest programs the contestants are Ss workers or family members. b Imports usually include police and hospital series. c I want to see the children s program. -Ask Ss to read the reading aloud Post-reading -Ask Ss to look at the exercise in the text book and ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the reading. - Provide the meaning of new words TV game shows. chương trình trò chơi TV talk shows chương trình tọa .