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The purpose of the newsletter is to bring you up to dateregarding the activities in the department and to initiate aconversation between the faculty, alumni and friends of thedepartment. We are experiencing an exciting time here atHenderson and we look forward to the many opportunitiesthat lie ahead of us. | B Association for Behavior Analysis International NEWSLETTER Volume 27 I 2004 I Number 3 ISSN 1546-9581 2 600 Attended ABA-ABPMC International Conference in Brazil By Maria E. Malott Ph.D. Behavior analysis took over Campinas Brazil this past August for the 1 3lh Annual Meeting of the Associaẹão Brasileira de Psicoterapia e Medicina Comportamental ABPMC and 2nd International Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis. Attendance of over 2 000 far surpassed both organizations expectations. For the first time in ABPMC s and ABA s histories registration was closed a month prior to the conference so we could accommodate the event in Campinas without sacrificing the quality of services available to attendees. Our room block at the Royal Palm Plaza Hotel Resort was filled well before the conference and 35 buses were contracted to transport attendees daily from hotels all over the city. Figure 1 shows conference attendees in the hallway of our headquarters hotel. Figure 1. A glance at conference attendees networking. continued on page 20 FEATURED Special Issue on Publications Relevant to Behavior Analysis We are pleased to offer Volume 27 3 of the ABA Newsletter which contains an extensive section highlighting journals of interest to behavior analysts. Descriptions of 21 journals from Europe Southeast Asia and South and North America are represented in these pages. Dr. Tom Critchfield introduces the journal section with a thoughtful article about the rich variety of material available for behavior analysts. We hope that the section inspires your interest in a journal you ve never read before and that you take a further look at it request it from your closest research library or contact the journal for a year s subscription. We thank the Editors who contributed information to this issue for all of US. Learn How to Get Funding For the first time ABA is offering a workshop on how to obtain federal funding for behavior analysis research. Presenters have significant .