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Java™ NIO

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Java NIO explores the new I/O capabilities of version 1.4 in detail and shows you how to put these features to work to greatly improve the efficiency of the Java code you write. This compact volume examines the typical challenges that Java programmers face with I/O and shows you how to take advantage of the capabilities of the new I/O features. You'll learn how to put these tools to work using examples of common, real-world I/O problems and see how the new features have a direct impact on responsiveness, scalability, and reliability. Because the NIO APIs supplement the I/O features. | Developing High Performance Applications Java NIC O REILLY Ron Hitchens Java NIO Ron Hitchens Publisher O Reilly First Edition August 2002 ISBN 0-596-00288-2 312 pages Java NIO explores the new I O capabilities of version 1.4 in detail and shows you how to put these features to work to greatly improve the efficiency of the Java code you write. This compact volume examines the typical challenges that Java programmers face with I O and shows you how to take advantage of the capabilities of the new I O features. You ll learn how to put these tools to work using examples of common real-world I O problems and see how the new features have a direct impact on responsiveness scalability and reliability. Because the NIO APIs supplement the I O features of version 1.3 rather than replace them you ll also learn when to use new APIs and when the older 1.3 I O APIs are better suited to your particular application. Table of Contents Dedication.1 Preface.2 Organization.3 Who Should Read This Book.5 Software and Versions.5 Conventions Used in This Book.6 How to Contact Us.7 Acknowledgments.8 Chapter 1. Introduction.10 1.1 I O Versus CPU Time.10 1.2 No Longer CPU Bound.11 1.3 Getting to the Good Stuff.12 1.4 I O Concepts.13 1.5 Summary . 21 Chapter 2. Buffers.22 2.1 Buffer Basics.23 2.2 Creating Buffers.36 2.3 Duplicating Buffers.38 2.4 Byte Buffers.40 2.5 Summary.52 Chapter 3. Channels.54 3.1 Channel Basics.55 3.2 Scatter Gather.62 3.3 File Channels.67 3.4 Memory-Mapped Files.80 3.5 Socket Channels.91 3.6 Pipes.109 3.7 The Channels Utility Class.114 3.8 Summary.115 Chapter 4. Selectors.117 4.1 Selector Basics.117 4.2 Using Selection Keys.125 4.3 Using Selectors.128 4.4 Asynchronous Closability.137 4.5 Selection Scaling.138 4.6 Summary.143 Chapter 5. Regular Expressions.145 5.1 Regular Expression Basics.145 5.2 The Java Regular Expression API.147 5.3 Regular Expression Methods of the String Class.168 5.4 Java Regular Expression Syntax.169 5.5 An Object-Oriented File Grep.172 5.6 .