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Inside Steve's Brain Leander Kahney_6

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Khi ông muốn lắp ráp đội ngũ của mình, Jobs đã cho họ sự tự do để sáng tạo và bảo vệ chúng khỏi bộ máy quan liêu ngày càng tăng tại Apple, đã thử nhiều lần để đóng cửa dự án Mac bởi vì họ xem nó như là một sự xao lãng không quan trọng. | engineers and back to Steve. Two full days of demos drawings of the various designs marketing presentations I was overwhelmed. On Monday I called Doug Fairbairn at VTI and told him I had changed my mind.8 Once he d assembled his team Jobs gave them the freedom to be creative and shielded them from the growing bureaucracy at Apple which tried several times to shut down the Mac project because they viewed it as an unimportant distraction. The people who are doing the work are the moving force behind the Macintosh. My job is to create a space for them to clear out the rest of the organization and keep it at bay 9 Jobs wrote in a 1984 essay that was printed in the inaugural issue of Macworld magazine. Hertzfeld put it more bluntly The most important thing Steve did was erect a giant shit-deflecting umbrella that protected the project from the evil suits across the street. 10 As well as recruiting the best talent Jobs is quick to get rid of those who don t measure up. Hiring only insanely great employees and firing the bozos has been one of Jobs s longest held managerial principles. It s painful when you have some people who are not the best people in the world and you have to get rid of them but I found that my job has sometimes exactly been that to get rid of some people who didn t measure up and I ve always tried to do it in a humane way. But nonetheless it has to be done and it is never fun Jobs said in a 1995 interview.11 Small Is Beautiful Jobs likes to work in small teams. He didn t want the original Mac team to exceed one hundred members lest it became unfocused and unmanageable. Jobs firmly believes that small teams of talented employees run circles around larger groups. At Pixar Jobs tried to ensure that the company never grew to more than a few hundred people. When asked to compare Apple and Pixar Jobs attributed much of its success to its small size. Apple has some pretty amazing people but the collection of people at Pixar is the highest concentration of .