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GMAT Vocabulary List Episode 2 Part 6

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'gmat vocabulary list episode 2 part 6', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | stolid adj. showing little emotion With a stolid expression the man walked away from the confrontation. striated adj. having lines or grooves The striated road was ready for traffic. stridency n. harshness or shrillness sound The stridency of the whistle hurt the dog s ears. strident adj. creaking harsh grating Her strident voice hampered her chances of getting the announcer positi on. stupor n. a stunned or bewildered condition He was in a stupor after being hit on the head. stymie v. to hinder or obstruct Large amounts of snowfall will stymie the rescue effort. suave adj. effortlessly gracious She was a suave negotiator always getting what she wanted without anyone feeling they d lost anything. The elegant woman entered the room with a suave walk. subjugate v. to dominate or enslave The bully will attempt to subjugate the remainder of the class. The royal family subjugated the peasants making them perform hard labor. subliminal adj. below the level of consciousness Critics of advertising say that it s loaded with subliminal messages. subsidiary adj. giving a service being in a subordinate position The function of the subsidiary was to oversee the bank s commercial loans. He acknowledged the importance of the issue but called it subsidiary to a host of other concerns. substantive adj. existing independently of others a large quantity The only company not acquired in the merger retained its substantive exi stence. A substantive amount of money will be needed to fund the project. subsume v. to include within a larger group The AFL was subsumed by the NFL in the 1960s. subtlety n. propensity of understatement so slight as to be barely noticeable There was no subtlety in the protest each person carried a sign and yell ed for civil rights. With great subtlety we slipped away from the boring party. succinct adj. clearly stated characterized by conciseness The speech was succinct yet emotional. Usually the most succinct definition is the right one. Articles in USA Today