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barron's 600 essential words for the toeic_part2

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'barron's 600 essential words for the toeic_part2', ngoại ngữ, toefl - ielts - toeic phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | LESSON 4 BUSINESS PLANNING 11 Short Conversations Read the following conversations and see how the new words are used. W Alexa is developing a business plan i told her you might be able to help with the market research. M I m proud of her. Going into business for yourself can be risky but very rewarding. W I know she is very serious about careful planning to avoid making obvious mistakes. M The first problem Athos encountered was how to evaluate his competitor s share of the market. W Can t he gather information from trade journals and the local trade association M I don t know if those sources offered him enough hard data to analyze the competition s share of the market. W The data we ve analyzed so far demonstrate that our potential customers want great service more than a great price. M That surprises me. I had assumed that the price of the product was the primary motivation. W I m surprised too. Let s make sure our business plan is addressing the need for extensive sales training. M I can t believe McPhee s Sweet Shop went out of business. They once were such a strong competitor for everyone else in the candy market. W When they started selling fruit juices and magazines I wondered what their marketing strategy was. M It certainly proves there s no substitute for a solid business plan. Word Families ị verb demonstrate Let me demonstrate how this computer program works. noun demonstration After the lecture there was a demonstration of new marketing techniques. adjective demonstrative The densely encoded programming was demonstrative of the computer language of the era. verb develop Our assignment is to develop a cogent business plan. noun development The plan was under development and would not be ready for months. noun developer The job developer was kept busy trying to place the recent college graduates. verb evaluate Please review these articles and evaluate their usefulness for our plan. noun evaluation Yoko feared the professor s evaluation of her business