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SAT practise test 10000 part 9

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'sat practise test 10000 part 9', ngoại ngữ, ngữ pháp tiếng anh phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 13. B There is a contrast drawn in the sentence between receiving accolades praise awards and Jane Goodall s initial standing in her field. She must have met with a lack of support or outright disapproval. Eliminate E because it is illogical. Eliminate C because it goes with rather than against accolades. An acolyte is someone who assists a clergyman so you can eliminate A . You are left with B and D . A charlatan is a fake an incompetent. If the sentence said Some people thought she was a------ charlatan might work but it says she actually was a . She couldn t have been a fake and later gotten awards. Eliminate D . You are left with B a maverick an independent thinker a dissenter a pioneer. 14. D This sentence is contrasting the views of Alston and Mario the conjunc- tion but clues you into this fact . Alston thinks that the lecture was impressive which probably means smart accurate logical. Mario s view is in contrast to this. You can eliminate A and C . Recondite is not likely to be a word to describe a lecture so eliminate B . You are left with specious or fictitious. Specious means logically false fictitious comes from fiction and presumably the philosopher didn t tell a story but rather made an argument. Choice D is the best answer. 15. A If you know that insinuation is a negative word you can guess that the first blank will describe a logical response to a negative thing. Balk is a common word in this situation but if you don t know that use the process of elimination. You can eliminate B and probably D because they are not negative words. Move to the next blank. If the official s response is negative it s most logical that he is accused of having something to do with the economic woes. Eliminate C . That leaves A and E as the most likely answers. But you don t rile at something it s not good usage. Eliminate E and you are left with A . 16. D The author is speaking generally in this first paragraph. Global warming and species extinction are two big general .