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Ideas to help you when implementing Best Practices in the Cisco Network Academy Program

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A list of Academy Best Teaching Practices has been compiled. It is imperative that you use a wide variety of these Best Practices to present the Cisco Networking Academy Curriculum; these practices have been demonstrated to be successful with a wide variety of learners. The Best Practices include Challenges, Design Activities, Graphical Organizers, Group Work, Journals, Kinesthetic Activities, Lab Exams, Mini-Lectures, Online Study, Oral Exams, Portfolios, Presentations, Rubrics, Study Guides, Troubleshooting, and Web Research . | Best Practices Ideas to help you when implementing Best Practices in the Cisco Network Academy Program Best Practices Introduction Best Practices have always been an important component in the CNAP. Short explanations were included in the old Teachers Guide 1.50 and are now included in the preface for each semester. The following quote comes from the preface of Semester 1 version 2.1 A list of Academy Best Teaching Practices has been compiled. It is imperative that you use a wide variety of these Best Practices to present the Cisco Networking Academy Curriculum these practices have been demonstrated to be successful with a wide variety of learners. The Best Practices include Challenges Design Activities Graphical Organizers Group Work Journals Kinesthetic Activities Lab Exams Mini-Lectures Online Study Oral Exams Portfolios Presentations Rubrics Study Guides Troubleshooting and Web Research.Note that lecture and PowerPoint or other such leader-led presentations comprises just a tiny fraction of how Cisco intends the curriculum to be presented. The subject matter our goals for our graduates and good pedagogy all dictate that a mixture of these Best Practices be used. Especially important are the hands-on labs and lab exams project-based learning challenges and troubleshooting. For example all Academies are required to have their students build simple LANs use multimeters and cable test meters terminate Cat 5 Cabling and perform a Structured Cabling Project as part of their first semester skill-building. Feedback from instructor trainees indicates that the greater use of Best Practices means better comprehension of the concepts. The Best Practices provide a variety of opportunities to learn as explained through the following See the processes through kinesthetic activities Apply the processes through labs challenges troubleshooting presentations etc. Obtain the knowledge through online study mini-lectures and discussion Think about the processes and concepts through