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First certificate language practice part 28

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The present perfect continuous can also emphasise the length of time of the action. For refers to a finished or unfinished period of time. Will is used to make predictions. It is often preceded by / think or by opinion words \\ks perhaps. A time expression is also necessary. | FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE Question tags Sometimes a simple statement is too short and does not help the conversation to develop in a friendly way. You re French. The other person does not know what to say. We can add a tag to the end of the statement so that it becomes a question. You re French aren t you Now the other person knows that they have to reply and the conversation can continue. If the intonation of the tag rises it is a genuine question. The other person will probably continue the conversation. A You re French aren t you ------ B Yes that s right. I was born in a town in the north of France although now I live . If the intonation falls it is just checking information. The first speaker will probably continue. A You re French aren t you B Yes that s right. A I thought you were. Have you met Pierre He s from France as well. Tags are formed using auxiliaries do be have or a modal . Helen lives here doesn t she You left early didn t you Jack was born in Italy wasn t he You will help me won t you Someone s got to pay haven t they A positive statement has a negative tag and expects the answer Yes. A You agree with me don t you B Yes I do. A negative statement has a positive tag and expects the answer No. A You don t take sugar do you B No I don t. It is possible for a positive tag to follow a positive statement to express interest or ask for confirmation. This is less common. So you like working here do you Tags with will and won t can be used after imperatives. Don t drive too fast will you - Let s . has a tag formed with shall. Let s have a drink shall we GRAMMAR 31 INVERSION AND QUESTION TAGS Practice Underline the most suitable words in each sentence. a Let s go to London next weekend shall we won t we b You shouldn t have told me didyou shouldyou c Jim hasn t been waiting long was he has he d You won t tell anyone about this do you will you e You re not doing what I told you do you are you f Answer the phone for me will you do you g George can