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THE ADVENTURE OF THE DYING DETECTIVE ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE (3) Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng quen thuộc. Nhằm giúp các em và các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | THE ADVENTURE OF THE DYING DETECTIVE ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE 3 From the hiding-place into which I had been so swiftly hustled I heard the footfalls upon the stair with the opening and the closing of the bedroom door. Then to my surprise there came a long silence broken only by the heavy breathings and gaspings of the sick man. I could imagine that our visitor was standing by the bedside and looking down at the sufferer. At last that strange hush was broken. Holmes he cried. Holmes in the insistent tone of one who awakens a sleeper. Can t you hear me Holmes There was a rustling as if he had shaken the sick man roughly by the shoulder. Is that you Mr. Smith Holmes whispered. I hardly dared hope that you would come. The other laughed. I should imagine not he said. And yet you see I am here. Coals of fire Holmes--coals of fire It is very good of you--very noble of you. I appreciate your special knowledge. Our visitor sniggered. You do. You are fortunately the only man in London who does. Do you know what is the matter with you The same said Holmes. Ah You recognize the symptoms Only too well. Well I shouldn t be surprised Holmes. I shouldn t be surprised if it WERE the same. A bad lookout for you if it is. Poor Victor was a dead man on the fourth day--a strong hearty young fellow. It was certainly as you said very surprising that he should have contracted and out-of-the-way Asiatic disease in the heart of London--a disease too of which I had made such a very special study. Singular coincidence Holmes. Very smart of you to notice it but rather uncharitable to suggest that it was cause and effect. I knew that you did it. Oh you did did you Well you couldn t prove it anyhow. But what do you think of yourself spreading reports about me like that and then crawling to me for help the moment you are in trouble What sort of a game is that--eh I heard the rasping laboured breathing of the sick man. Give me the water he gasped. You re precious near your end my friend but I don t want