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Effects of supply chain flexibility towards supply chain collaboration and supply chain agility

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Facing uncertain environment, the cultivation of agility is approached as a strategic ability that assists organizations rapidly to sense and respond internal and external uncertainties via effective collaboration of supply chain relationships. The objective of the study is to uncover how organizational antecedent, supply chain collaboration (SCC) and organizational competency, supply chain flexibility (SCF), aimed at augmenting the supply chain agility (SCA) of firms. T | 170 Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 8 No. 1 February 2019 Effects of Supply Chain Flexibility towards Supply Chain Collaboration and Supply Chain Agility Noriza Mohd Jamala Wee Sin Yia Thoo Ai China and Norhalimah Idrisa a Univerisiti Teknologi Malaysia m-noriza@utm.my Abstract - Facing uncertain environment the flexibility SCF in terms of mix flexibility and cultivation of agility is approached as a strategic ability volume flexibility are vital to provision of the that assists organizations rapidly to sense and respond superior value creation to the customers supply chain internal and external uncertainties via effective partners and organization itself. The SCF reflects collaboration of supply chain relationships. The flexibility in supply chains are capable to adapt objective of the study is to uncover how organizational effectively to changes in demand and disruptions in antecedent supply chain collaboration SCC and organizational competency supply chain flexibility supply whilst maintaining customer service SCF aimed at augmenting the supply chain agility levels. 1 2 . SCA of firms. To take advantage of available market opportunities firms would see the supply chain that are 2. Theoretical Development flexible will outperform those are less agile. Thus SCF has emerged as a vital management strategy to Focusing on enhancement of small and strengthen the relationship between SCC and SCA as medium manufacturing firm s agility in supply chain firms will be more flexible and responsive to an unpredictable environment and cope with ever changing the organizational antecedents of agility form the customer s requirements. In this paper an attempt is central elements of interest. The theoretical model made to present a conceptual model of the postulated is shown in Figure 1. Firstly it is organizational antecedents that affect the agility of hypothesized that a firm s SCA is impacted as direct supply chain in the context of small and medium antecedent by organizational .