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Cơ sở dữ liệu hình ảnh P15

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In this chapter we focus on the design of methods for rapidly searching a database of multimedia objects, allowing us to locate objects that match a query object, exactly or approximately. We want a method that is general and that can handle any type of multimedia objects. | Image Databases Search and Retrieval of Digital Imagery Edited by Vittorio Castelli Lawrence D. Bergman Copyright 2002 John Wiley Sons Inc. ISBNs 0-471-32116-8 Hardback 0-471-22463-4 Electronic 15 Multimedia Indexing CHRISTOS FALOUTSOS Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter we focus on the design of methods for rapidly searching a database of multimedia objects allowing us to locate objects that match a query object exactly or approximately. We want a method that is general and that can handle any type of multimedia objects. Objects can be two-dimensional 2D color images gray scale medical images in two-dimensional or three-dimensional 3D e.g. MRI brain scans one-dimensional 1D time series digitized voice or music video clips and so on. A typical query-by-content is in a collection of color photographs find ones with the same color distribution as a sample sunset photograph. Specific applications include the following Image databases 1 in which we would like to support queries on color Chapter 11 shape Chapter 13 and texture Chapter 12 . Video databases 2 3 . Financial marketing and production time series such as stock prices sales numbers and so on. In such databases typical queries would be find companies whose stock prices move similarly or find other companies that have sales patterns similar to our company or find cases in the past that resemble last month s sales pattern of our product 4 . Scientific databases Chapters 3 and 5 with collections of sensor data. In this case the objects are time series or more general vector fields that is tuples of the form x y z t pressure temperature . . For example in weather data 5 geologic environmental and astrophysics databases and so on we want to ask queries of the form find previous days in which the solar magnetic wind showed patterns similar to today s pattern to help in predictions of the Earth s magnetic field 6 . 435 436 MULTIMEDIA INDEXING Multimedia databases with .