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Đặc điểm hình ảnh và giá trị của cắt lớp vi tính đa dãy trong chẩn đoán viêm ruột thừa cấp

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

Bài viết Đặc điểm hình ảnh và giá trị của cắt lớp vi tính đa dãy trong chẩn đoán viêm ruột thừa cấp mô tả đặc điểm hình ảnh viêm ruột thừa cấp trên phim chụp cắt lớp vi tính đa dãy và giá trị của chụp cắt lớp vi tính đa dãy trong chẩn đoán viêm ruột thừa cấp. | VNU Journal of Science Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 38 No. 2 2022 99-108 Original Article Imaging Characteristics and Value of Multislice Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis Doan Van Ngoc1 2 Le My Hanh1 Pham Quang Huy1 Phung Hai Nam2 1 VNU University of Medicine and Pharmacy 144 Xuan Thuy Cau Giay Hanoi Vietnam 2 E Hospital 87-89 Tran Cung Cau Giay Hanoi Vietnam Received 07 January 2022 Revised 11 January 2022 Accepted 24 May 2022 Abstract Objectives This study was done to describe the imaging characteristics of acute appendicitis on multislice computed tomography MSCT and the value of MSCT scan in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Methods The study used retrospective and cross-sectional methods to analyze the results of 117 patients who were taken photos of CT at E Hospital from February 2021 to November 2021. Results The most common age was over 50 years old and the average age was 40.1 20.8. The ratio of male female was 1 1.25. Locations of appendix right iliac fossa 69.2 posterior cecum 16.2 pelvis 12 subhepatic 0.9 1.7 in other places in the abdomen. The diameter of appendicitis was 10.48 2.5mm the min was 5mm the max was 18mm . The increase of diameter over 7mm accounted for 95.7 appendiceal wall thickness 3mm had 83.8 of patients and fat infiltration was seen in 88 of cases studied. Other signs fecal stones 35 fluid around appendix 7.7 Douglas fluid 3.4 right iliac fossa fluid 3.4 mesenteric lymphadenopathy 25.7 . The rate of appendix rupture diagnosed by CT accounted was 4.3 . The sensitivity accuracy and positive diagnostic value of multislice CT in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis were 97.4 96.6 and 99.1 respectively. Conclusion Multislice CT has a high value in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Keywords Acute appendicitis appendicitis CT scan MSCT. _ Corresponding author. E-mail address doanvanngoc2010@gmail.com https doi.org 10.25073 2588-1132 vnumps.4384 99 100 D. V. Ngoc et al. VNU Journal of Science .