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Chapter 9 Quick Reference

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Chương 9 nhanh tham khảo để làm điều này từ khóa enum Viết, theo sau là tên của kiểu này, theo sau là một cặp niềng răng có chứa một danh sách bằng dấu phẩy của Khai báo một điều tra tên chữ. | Chapter 9 Quick Reference To Do this Write the keyword enum followed by the name of the type followed Declare an enumeration type by a pair of braces containing a comma-separated list of the enumeration literal names. For example enum Season Spring Summer Fall Winter Write the name of the enumeration type on the left followed by the Declare an enumeration variable name of the variable followed by a semicolon. For example Season currentSeason Write the name of the enumeration literal name in combination with Initialize or assign an enumeration variable to a value the name of the enumeration type it belongs to. For example currentSeason Season compile time error currentSeason Season.Spring okay Write the keyword struct followed by the name of the struct type followed by the body of the struct the constructors methods and fields . For example Declare a struct type struct Time public Time int hh int mm int ss . . private int hours minutes seconds Write the name of the struct type followed by the name of the Declare a struct variable variable followed by a semicolon. For example Time now Initialize or assign the variable to a struct value created by calling a Initialize or assign a struct variable to a value structure constructor. For example Time lunch new Time 12 30 0 lunch new Time 12 30 0