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A comparative analysis in cost and returns of sugarcane production in Odisha, India

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

Sugarcane is a major cash crop of India, particularly in UP, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujurat, and Foot hils of Uttarakhand. Sugarcane crop has a productivity of 70 tonnes/ha and an area of 4.2 mha. plays a pivotal role in the national economy. Sugarcane is considered as one of the exhibited inverse relationship, Type of ownership of land in Orissa. It is grown in all the 30 districts of Orissa. The selected district Dhenkanal occupied 10th position in area (1.19 thousand ha), 9th position in production (81.46 thousand MTs) and 14th position in yield (68510 kg/ha) in 2004-05. |