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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 15: Woman in society (Writing)

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 15: Woman in society (Writing) hướng dẫn học sinh các kỹ năng viết báo cáo mô tả theo biểu đồ số liệu. Để nắm chi tiết hơn về nội dung của bài học mời các bạn cùng tham khảo bài giảng. | Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 15 Woman in society Writing Answer the following questions 1 How many children does your mother have Two children. 2 Who does more housework in your family My mother. 3 How many hours does she spend on her housework per week It s about . Make a statistic of these activities and the time that your mother and your father often do per week. Activities Your father - Time Your mother -Time Cleaning the floor Washing clothes Tidying the kitchen Ironing clothes Repairing things Doing the washing Taking care of the baby Cooking meals Going shopping Total Make a statistic of these activities and the time that A s mother and A s father often do per week. Activities A s father - Time A s mother -Time Cleaning the floor - 7 hours Washing clothes - 7 hours Tidying the kitchen - 6 hours Ironing clothes - 2 hours Repairing things - 5 hours Doing the washing - 3 hours Taking care of the baby - 10 hours - 15 hours Cooking meals - 7 hours Going shopping - 3 hours Total 15 hours a week 50 hours a week It s a chart. Hours Housework hours per week Unit 15 Women in society Lesson 4 Writing Look at the chart then do the tasks that follow Hours Housework hours per week TASK 1 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences 1 The column chart . the average hours of housework per week done by married women in comparison with married man. A. illustrates B. shows C. describes DD. All are correct 2 Women spend per week doing housework and this number is only . for men when they have no children. A 30 20 A. B. 50 15 C. 55 10D. 50 50 3 In families of one or two children the amount of time given to housework by men is just . but women s hours of work at rises to . per week. A. 30 20 B. 50 15 CC. 15 50D. 50 55 4. They spend . a week doing housework while their husbands share with only . When they have 3 or more children. A. 30 20 B. 50 15 C C. 55 10D. 50 55 5. The chart suggests that they should first be from familiar responsibilities. A. Liberate BB. .