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Application of goal programming model for allocating time and cost in project management: A case study from the company of construction seror

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The objective of this paper is to apply one of the techniques of multipleobjective programming (goal programming) to a project management problem. Mubiru proposed a goal programming model for allocating time and cost in project management. In order to test this model, a case study was accomplished in the company of construction, SEROR, Algeria. | Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 25 (2015) Number 2, 283-289 DOI: 10.2298/YJOR131010010Y APPLICATION OF GOAL PROGRAMMING MODEL FOR ALLOCATING TIME AND COST IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY FROM THE COMPANY OF CONSTRUCTION SEROR Abdelkrim YAHIA-BERROUIGUET * Khadija TISSOURASSI Faculty of economics and management, University of Tlemcen, Algeria Received: Оctober 2013 / Accepted: March 2014 Abstract: The objective of this paper is to apply one of the techniques of multipleobjective programming (goal programming) to a project management problem. Mubiru [8] proposed a goal programming model for allocating time and cost in project management. In order to test this model, a case study was accomplished in the company of construction, SEROR, Algeria. Keywords: Goal Programming, Project Management, Cost, Time. MSC: 90C29. 1. INTRODUCTION Project management decision issues have long attracted interest from both practitioners and academics, Thien-Fu.L [10]. It is the process of planning, scheduling and controlling projects. Planning phase involves clearly defined goals and objectives of the project; scheduling phase involves determining the time and sequence interdependencies between project activities; and the control phase involves dealing with unexpected events in order to maintain the time and budget requirements. Projects have several objectives to be accomplished: time of completion, budget, labor and material costs. Projects problems involving multiples objectives can be solved * Corresponding author’s email :a_berrouiguet@yahoo.fr 284 A,Yahia-Berrouiguet, K. Tissourassi / Application of Goal Programming Model using multiple – objective programming. This paper applies one of the techniques of multiple-objective programming denominated goal programming. The goal programming technique was originally developed by Charnes and Copper [2]. “This technique allows taking into account simultaneously many objectives while the decision-maker is seeking the best .