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Một tiếp cận đến nguyên lý tương đương và bản chất của các lực quán tính

Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ

Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi chứng minh rằng lực quán tính tồn tại trong không quán tính hệ thống tham chiếu chỉ là lực hấp dẫn. Do đó Nguyên tắc tương đương là một hậu quả của mô hình này. | TẠP CHÍ PHÁT TRIỂN KH&CN, TẬP 9, SỐ 5 - 2006 AN APPROACH TO THE EQUIVALENCE PRINCIPLE AND THE NATURE OF INERTIAL FORCES Vo Van On Department of physics, University of Natural Sciences, VNU-HCM th th (Manuscript Received on December 19 , 2005, Manuscript Revised March 2 , 2006) ABSTRACT: In this paper we prove that inertial forces which exist in non inertial systems of reference are just gravitational forces. Thus the Equivalence Principle is a consequence of this model. 1.INTRODUCTION. It is known that inertial forces only exist in non inertial systems of reference. They were discovered from very long time ago but their nature was unclear. Main viewpoints of inertial forces are as follows [1,2,3,4,5]: Newton’s viewpoint: we see clearly Newton’s viewpoint of inertial forces by means of his discussion of the rotation of water basin. Newton believed that inertial forces only existed in systems which were accelerated with respect to his absolute space. Mach’s viewpoint: Mach opposed Newton’s viewpoint of the absolute space and believed that inertial forces only existed when systems were accelerated with respect to all matters of universe. He thought that inertial forces were just gravitational forces caused by all distance matter but did not point out by which way they acted on. Einstein’s viewpoint: Einstein recognized that inertial force field was equivalent with gravitational force field by the Equivalence Principle. In this model we shall point out that inertial forces are just gravitational forces. 2. QUASI-EQUIPOTENTIAL SPACE. We consider a space region in which only consists of gravitational charges with the same signs, say , positive sign. Static gravitational potential generated by all gravitational charges of this region at a point M is : Gm gi ϕ g (M ) = −∑ ri i Where ri is distance from mgi to M. Because this region’s all gravitational charges have the same signs , so that ϕg(M) ≠ 0. If this region ‘s gravitational charges are distributed homogeneous and .