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Ebook Physical examination of the spine and extremities: Part 1
Đang chuẩn bị nút TẢI XUỐNG, xin hãy chờ
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(BQ) Part 1 book "Physical examination of the spine and extremities" has contents: Physical examination of the shoulder, physical examination of the elbow, physical examination of the wrist and hand. | Physical Examination Of The Spine & Extremities Stanley Hoppenfeld PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF THE SPINE AND EXTREMITIES P H Y S IC A L E X A M IN A T IO N OF T H E S P IN E AND E X T R E M IT IE S S T A N L E Y H O P P E N F E L D , M.D. Associate Clinical Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Director of Scoliosis Service, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York; Deputy Director of Orthopedic Surgery, Attending Physician, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center, Bronx, New York; A sso ciate Attending Physician, Hospital for Joint Dis eases, New York, New York In collaboration with R IC H A R D H U T T O N Medical illustrations by HUGH TH O M A S *cC A P P L E T O N -C E N T U R Y -C R O F T S / N o r w a lk , C o n n e c tic u t Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Hoppenfeld, Stanley Physical examination of the spine and extremities. Bibliography Includes index. 1. Spine— Examination. 2. Extremities (Anatomy)— Examination. I. Title. [DNLM: 1. Extremities. 2. Spine. 3. Physical exami nation— Methods. W E800 H798p] RD734.H66 617'.375'075 76-1486 ISBN 0-8385-7853-5 Copyright © 1976 by APPLETON-CENTURY-CROFTS A Publishing Division of Prentice-Hall, Inc. A ll rig h ts re s e rv e d . T h i s b o o k , o r a n y p a rts th e r e o l, m a y n o t b e u sed o r re p ro d u c e d in a n y m a n n e r w ith o u t w r itte n p e r m iss io n . F o r in fo r m a tio n , a d d re s s A p p le to n -C e n tu r y - C r o ft s , 2 5 V a n Z a n t S t r e e t, E a s t N o rw a lk , C T 0 6 8 5 5 86 87/21 20 19 18 P rentice-H all In tern atio n al. In c L ondon P rentice-H all o f A u stralia. Pty. L td Sydney P rentice-H all o f India Private L im ited. N ew D elhi P rentice-H all o f Ja p a n . In c T okyo P rentice-H all o f S outheast A sia (P te .) L td S ingapore W hitehall B ooks. W ellington. N ew Z ealand PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA cover illustration: Hugh Thomas page layout: Jean Taylor D E D IC A T IO N T o .