tailieunhanh - 963 bài essays mẫu part 49

The people who graduate from college seem more confident in our community. These people are more respected by society. Many people want to be respected and to be important by family, friends, their bosses, and others in their lives. | For more material and information please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at On the other hand there is this opinion that students have several short vacations instead of a long vacation. This opinion has some advantages and disadvantages for itself. Several short vacations may disturb school discipline and descend the efficiency of educational program. As an illustration frequent short vacation can destroy the unity of teaching and learning lessons students may forget the lessons which were taught by teachers before vacation and may be necessary to teach them again as a result the efficiency of teaching will decrease. On the contrary frequent short vacations would refresh student s brain if the time and duration of vacations arrange in a regular basis. For example existence of a short vacation after each semester is very good for students to refresh themselves and get a new spirit for next semester. From what has been mention above I personally agree with a long vacation. Although I have finished school but I still become happy before summer long vacation because I have many beautiful days and events in my deep memory of those vacations. Essay 734 Topic 143 Vacation is one such thing that every one awaits for to have a break from the usual routine so that this small bit of change really makes up a difference to him breaking his stress in the hectic schedule and makes him feel relaxed and more energetic. Man is such a kind that often he lacks the energy and capacity to withstand the stress and strain for a longer time. A change is always welcome to break up the monotony and spice up the life once again bringing back the lost energy leaving behind the boredom. There are people of a type who can do their work mechanically for a longer time and may not have complaints of the stress. But of sure even such people welcome the change in the form of vacation. And in this life of speed and hectic schedule why not have several short vacations throughout the year .