tailieunhanh - Chuyên đề bài tập phát hiện lỗi sai tiếng Anh

Nhằm giúp cho các bạn học sinh, sinh viên có thêm kiến thức và kỹ năng trong việc phát hiện các lỗi sai trong tiếng Anh mà tài liệu "Chuyên đề bài tập phát hiện lỗi sai tiếng Anh" đã được Nguyễn Tiến Dũng biên soạn. Tài liệu gồm có 25 bài tập lớn và trong mỗi bài tập bao gồm các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm. | NGUYỄN TIẾN DŨNG Founder Administrator Hội học sinh sinh viên chuyên Anh CHUYÊN ĐỀ BÀI TẬP Ẽi LíQìD SA TÀI LIỆU ÔN THI ĐẠI HỌC Fanpage https groups hoihocsinhsinhvienchuyenanh Indentify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. EXERCISE 1 1. The earth is the only planet with a large number of oxygen in its atmosphere. A B C D 2. Venus approaches the Earth more closely than any other planet is. A B C D 3. Robert Frost was not well known as a poet until he reached the forties. A B C D 4. The amounts of oxygen and nitrogen in the air almost always remain stable but the A B amount of water vapor vary considerably. C D 5. The American frontiersman politician and soldier Davy Crockett is one of the A most popular of American hero. B C D 6. A five-thousand-dollars reward was offered for the capture of the escaped A B C D VZ criminals. 7. A desert area that has been without water for six years will still bloom when rain A B C will come. D 8. The word shore can be used rather of coast to mean the land bodering the sea. I V ứA B C D 9. Alfafia is a nutrious crop rich in proteins minerals and with vitamins. A B C D 10. The deadbolt is the best lock for entry doors because it is not only inexpensive but A B C installation is easy. D EXERCISE 2 1. Average family size has increased from the Victorian era. A B C D 2. They prefer to stay in their home country because family ties. A B C D 3. In 1892 the first long-distance telephone line between Chicago and New York was A B formally opening. C D 4. Dietitians urge people to eat a banana a day to get potassium enough in their diet. A B C D 5. Woody Guthrie has written thousands of songs during her lifetime many of which A B C D became classic folk songs. ADMIN NGUYỄN TIẾN DŨNG - CHUYÊN ĐỀ BÀI TẬP PHÁT HIỆN LỖI SAI TIẾNG ANH 1 6. The development of transistors made possible it to reduce the size of many A B C electronic devices. D 7. My father is a good family man