tailieunhanh - The Empire Of "The City"

These guidelines use sustainable urban infrastructure as the entry point for building sustainable cities. Sustainable urban infrastructure can only be built if we reconsider our strategic view of urbanization – if we rethink the future of cities. A new strategy based on more effective urban planning, strengthened local institutions and governance processes as well as enhanced economic contribution of cities is needed. Only Infrastructure that is energy and eco-effi cient, that serves the economic development of cities and supports the betterment of all citizens can be sustainable | The Empire Of The City World Superstate The 130 Years of Power Politics of the Modern Era by Edwin C. Knuth The Five Ideologies of Space and Power 1. One World Ideology 2. Pan-Slavic Ideology 3. Asia for the Asiatics 4. Pan-Germanism 5. Pan-American Isolationism Table of Contents Original PAGE Introduction 4 I. The Fundamental Basis of Internationalism 7 II. Geopolitics and the Background of Modern Wars 11 III. The Eastern Question 17 IV. The Concert of Europe 23 V. The European Concert Ends in the East 26 VI. The New Order of Freedom 34 VII. The New Order Ends in the East 43 VIII. The Liberals Against the Conservatives and War 50 IX. The Money Power in Power Politics 59 X. The Secret Sixth Great Power 67 XI. A Study in Power 72 XII. The Problems of The Peace 79 XIII. The Five Ideologies of Space and Power 86 XIV. Conclusion 98 Index 106 I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. Patrick Henry 4 INTRODUCTION TO 2ND EDITION At the end of World War I the writer then 27 years old was released from the U. S. Army as a second lieutenant of the Coast Artillery Corps. Like many more servicemen he was filled with resentment as the deluge of utterly obvious and brazen falsehood by which participation in that war had been forced upon the American people was exposed and became more evident day by day after the war was won. That the reasons advanced to the American people for their entry into World War I were largely fraudulent became common and accepted knowledge and over 25 years after the end of that war the eminent American historians Charles A. and Mary R. Beard stated in their Basic History page 442 that the gleaming mirage that pictured the World War as purely or even mainly a war for democracy and civilization dissolved beyond recognition. and the well-known Internationalist publicist Walter Lippmann stated in his U. S. Foreign Policy page 24 in effect that the real reasons for going to war in 1917 have never been admitted. Many people realize that this