tailieunhanh - Lecture Database system: Chapter 2 - Lê Thị Bảo Thu

Chapter 2 introduce Entity-Relationship Model. After completing this chapter, students will be able to: Database design process, what is ER Model? And why? A sample database application, ER Model Concepts, ER diagram and naming conventions, alternative diagrammatic notations, problems with ER models. Inviting you to refer. | Jan - 2014 Chapter 2 Entity-Relationship Model Contents 1 Overview of Database Design Process 2 What is ER Model And Why 3 A Sample Database Application 4 ER Model Concepts 5 ER Diagram and Naming Conventions 6 Alternative Diagrammatic Notations 7 Relationship Types of Degree Higher than Two 8 Problems with ER Models Jan - 2014 2 Contents 1 Overview of Database Design Process 2 What is ER Model And Why 3 A Sample Database Application 4 ER Model Concepts 5 ER Diagram and Naming Conventions 6 Alternative Diagrammatic Notations 7 Relationship Types of Degree Higher than Two 8 Problems with ER Models Jan - 2014