tailieunhanh - Conventions / Writing Skills Edition Third Grade

With a simple gland through the United States history, it is easily seen that propaganda is no new strategy to persuade the common man or woman’s thoughts. During elections, during war or peace, propaganda has been used by businesses and our government. Politicians like Ike Eisenhower used cartoons to try and get him elected. The cartoon diverted people’s attention away from whether he was a good president or not. This nearly the same idea as having a popular person tell people that the product shown is great. They want people to think “Of if so and so uses that, it. | Conventions Writing Skills Edition Third Grade Educational Service Facility 2700 Judge FranJamieson Way Viera FL 32940-6601 SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Robert Jordan Chairman Janice Kershaw Vice Chairman Dr. Barbara A. Murray Larry Hughes Amy Kneessy Superintendent Dr. Richard A. DiPatri Division of Curriculum and Instruction Associate Superintendent Brenda Blackburn Office of Elementary Programs Lynn Spadaccini Director Conventions Writing Skills Edition Coordinator Theresa Phelps Elementary Writing Resource Teacher Writers and Editors Deb Haer -r- Discovery Elementary Lainey Newell Columbia Elementary Denise Peters Croton Elementary - - Theresa Phelps ESF Cover Photography Bridget Geiger Longleaf .