Monocropping can be used as a metaphor to describe educational systems in many developing countries. Education Volunteers are aware of the intense stress experienced by students whose families' hopes are pinned on their eventual success in a centralized academic system of education. The stress for you might come in trying to balance your students' expectations with your own inclinations, born of your experience in a system which, at least theoretically, aspires to equality and encourages diversity. What are some of the concrete things that can be done to maintain your balance and help you develop a practical plan to. | LISTENING TO TEACHERS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS A Survey of California Teachers Challenges Experiences and Professional Development Needs Patricia Gándara Julie Maxwell-Jolly Anne Driscoll Listening to Teachers of English Language Learners is the product of collaboration between Policy Analysis for California Education PACE The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning The Center and the University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute UC LMRI . Founded in 1983 as a cooperative venture between the schools of education at UC Berkeley and Stanford University PACE is an independent policy research center whose primary aim is to enrich education policy debates with sound analysis and hard evidence. From issues around pre-schooling and child development to K-12 school finance to higher education outreach PACE is dedicated to defining issues thoughtfully and assessing the relative effectiveness of alternative policies and programs. PACE provides analysis and assistance to California policy-makers education professionals and the general public. The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning is made up of education professionals scholars and public policy experts who care deeply about improving the schooling of California s children. The Center was founded in 1995 as a public nonprofit organization with the purpose of strengthening the capacity of California s teachers to deliver a rigorous well-rounded curriculum and ensuring the continuing intellectual ethical and social development of all children. In addition to a wide variety of policy-oriented studies the Center annually publishes a comprehensive analysis of the status of the state s teaching profession. The UC Linguistic Minority Research Institute is a multi-campus research unit of the University of California established in 1984 to pursue .knowledge applicable to educational policy and practice in the area of language minority students academic achievement and knowledge including their .