The one-way (transmitter to receiver) radar equation is derived in this section. This equation is most commonly used in RWR or ESM type of applications. The following is a summary of the important equations explored in this section: | ONE-WAY RADAR EQUATION RF PROPAGATION The one-way transmitter to receiver radar equation is derived in this section. This equation is most commonly used in RWR or ESM type of applications. The following is a summary of the important equations explored in this section ONE-WAY RADAR EQUATION Peak Power at Receiver Input Pr or S pda So the one-way radar equation is c2 4b R 2 keep 8 c and R in the same units S orP PGG8 PtGtGr 4bR 2 r PGAe 4bR 2 and Antenna Gain Note 8 f On reducing to log form this becomes 10log Pr 10logPt 10logGt 10logGr - 20log f R 20log c 4b 4 Ae or Equivalent Area A ---- e 4b or in simplified terms 10log Pr 10logPt 10logGt 10logGr - 1 in dB Where 1 one-wayfreespaceloss 20log yR K1 in dB and K1 20log 4B c Conversion factors if units if not in m sec m and Hz Note To avoid having to include additional terms for these calculations always combine any transmission line loss with antenna gain Values of Kx in dB Range fj inMHz fj in GHz units K 1 K 1 NM km m yd ft Note Losses due to antenna polarization and atmospheric absorption Sections 3-2 5-1 are not included in any of these equations. e Recall from Section 4-2 that the power density at a distant point from a radar with an antenna gain of Gt is the power density from an isotropic antenna multiplied by the radar antenna gain. Power density from radar p PGt 1 D 4bR 2 If you could cover the entire spherical segment with your receiving antenna you would theoretically capture all of the transmitted energy. You can t do this because no antenna is large enough. A two degree segment would be about a mile and three-quarters across at fifty miles from the transmitter. A receiving antenna captures a portion of this power determined by it s effective capture Area Ae . The received power available at the antenna terminals is the power density times the effective capture area Ae of the receiving antenna. For a given receiver antenna size the capture area .