DISCRETE-SIGNAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN- P38:Electronic circuit analysis and design projects often involve time-domain and frequency-domain characteristics that are difÞcult to work with using the traditional and laborious mathematical pencil-and-paper methods of former eras. This is especially true of certain nonlinear circuits and sys- tems that engineering students and experimenters may not yet be com- fortable with. | INDEX k harmonic numbers 17 n time samples 13 Adequate number of samples 12 Adequate samples 21 Adequate sampling 16 Adjacent channel interference 53 Adjacent frequencies 47 AGC loop 66 Aliasing 3 10 Aliasing classical 53 Aliasing and filter design 53 Aliasing in the frequency domain 48 Aliasing in time domain 59 All-pass filter 145-147 Analytic signal 138 Approximation 3 At-home productivity software 7 Augmenting zeroes 21 Autocorrelation 10 104 Autocovariance 108 Averaging of data records 13 Bandpass filter -60 dB response 52 BASIC language 6 Boltzmann s constant 118 C 6 Circular smoothing 65 Communications 9 Complex conjugate phasors 29 Complex frequency domain sequences 22 Complex load impedance 114 Computer aided design 114 Continuous data vs discrete 13 Convert MATLAB to Mathcad 5 Convolution 3 10 Convolution associative 73 Convolution circular 85 122 Convolution distributive 73 Convolution fold and slide 82 Convolution and multiplication 89-93 Convolution smoothing and stretching 82 Convolution sum 85 Convolution time domain 81 Correlation 3 106 Correlation coefficient 110 Discrete-Signal Analysis and Design By William E. Sabin Copyright 2008 John Wiley Sons Inc. 171 172 INDEX Correlation circular 106 122 Cosine wave 32 51 Covariance 104 Cross-correlation 10 106 Cross power spectrum 123 Cross-covariance 110 Cumulative distribution function CDF 103 dB of aliasing 53 dBm 119 dc component in a sequence 15 Deconvolution 94 DFT 2 14 DFT and IDFT of discrete convolution 89 Discrete data 2 Discrete derivative 153 159 Discrete differential equation 10 Discrete Fourier series 9 Discrete-frequency 2 Discrete-signal 2 Discrete-signal amplitude 12 Discrete-signal processing 10 Discrete-time 2 DSP 2 Dummy variable 103 Electronic engineering 2 9 Energy and power in a sequence 12 Energy in a time sequence 12 Ensemble average 99 Envelope detection 99 Equivalent circuit 115 Estimate of noisy signal 63 Eternal steady-state sequence 9 Even symmetry 30 Expected value .