tailieunhanh - Ebook Database System Concepts

Ebook "Database System Concepts" present on: Relational databases, database design, data storage and querying, transaction management, system architecture, data warehousing, data mining, and information retrieval,. | Database System Concepts Abraham Silberschatz Henry F. Korth s. Sudarshan DATABASE SYSTEM CONCEPTS SIXTH EDITION Abraham Silberschatz Yale University Henry F. Korth Lehigh University S. Sudarshan Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Me Graw Connect kLearn I Succeed The McGraw-Hill Companies Me Grew Connect k Learn I Succeed TM DATABASE SYSTEM CONCEPTS SIXTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10020. Copyright 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions 2006 2002 and 1999. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. including but not limited to in any network or other electronic storage or transmission or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries including electronic and print components may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOC DOC10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ISBN 978-0-07-352332-3 MHID 0-07-352332-1 Global Publisher Raghothaman Srinivasan Director of Development Kristine Tibbetts Senior Marketing Manager Curt Reynolds Project Manager Melissa M. Leick Senior Production Supervisor Laura Fuller Design Coordinator Brenda A. Rolwes Cover Designer Studio Montage St. Louis Missouri USE Cover Image Brand X Pictures PunchStock Compositor Aptara Inc. Typeface 10 12 Palatino Printer R. R. Donnelley All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Silberschatz Abraham. Database system concepts Abraham Silberschatz. 6th ed. p. cm. IsBn 978-0-07-352332-3 alk paper 1. Database management. I. Title. 2011 dc22 2009039039 The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time