tailieunhanh - investigations of allegations of cheating on the fbi s domestica

Tham khảo sách 'investigations of allegations of cheating on the fbi s domestica', công nghệ thông tin, kỹ thuật lập trình phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | . Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General Investigation of Allegations of Cheating on the FBI s Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide DIOG Exam Office of the Inspector General Oversight and Review Division September 2010 I. INTRODUCTION A. Initiation of Investigation In December 2008. the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI implemented a new Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide DIOG which described the procedures its employees must follow when conducting domestic investigations. The D10G replaced several older sets of guidelines that separately addressed criminal investigations national security investigations and foreign intelligence collection. According to testimony provided in 2008 by the FBI s General Counsel to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence the DIOG is an outgrowth of the FBI s post-September 11 2001 transformation from primarily a law enforcement agency to a domestic intelligence agency that focuses on its national security and law enforcement missions. To help implement this transformation in 2007 the FBI asked the Attorney General to combine several sets of guidelines that had previously governed the FBI into a single set that would reflect the FBI s changed priorities. After lengthy review discussions and consultations the Attorney General implemented the revised guidelines entitled Attorney General Consolidated Guidelines for FBI Domestic Operations Consolidated Guidelines which took effect on December 1 2008. According to an FBI press release the Consolidated Guidelines ensure that the FBI s operating rules are consistent with the Bureau s mission and current operational needs while at the same time protecting the privacy and civil liberties of Americans. The DIOG in turn established detailed internal FBI rules and procedures that implemented the new Consolidated Guidelines. The new Guidelines created some public controversy. Some members of Congress and advocacy groups argued that the Guidelines expanded .