tailieunhanh - Ebook Space and technology: Earth and Space

(BQ) Ebook Space and technology: Earth and Space helps you know what is the Sun made of? What is Earth’s axis? Earth’s rotation causes night and day. Write to explain how this happens. Alike and different look at the picture of the planets in our solar system. How are the planets alike? How are they different?. | Genre Nonfiction Scott Foresman Science PEARSON Scott Foresman Comprehension Skill Text Features Alike and Different Captions Labels Glossary 780328 342242 artll and pace Science Content Earth and Space ISBN-13 978-0-328-34224-2 ISBN-10 0-328-34224-6 Vocabulary axis constellation crater orbit phase rotation solar system Illustrations 6 8 15 21 22 Bob Kayganich Photographs Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions. Unless otherwise acknowledged all photographs are the property of Scott Foresman a division of Pearson Education. Photo locators denoted as follows Top T Center c Bottom B Left L Right R Background Bkgd Opening Pnotodisc Green Getty Images Title Page Goddard Space Flight Center NASA 2 RogerTidman Corbis 4 SOHO ESA NASAỊ NẠSA 10 John M. Roberts Corbis 11 Taxi Getty Images 1 2 James Randklev-Visions of America Corbis 1 3 Royalty-Free Corbis 16 Roger Ressmeyer Corbis 17 Jerry Schad Photo Researchers Inc. 18 B NASA Image Exchange TC Stone Getty Images 20 John Sanford Photo Researchers Inc. ISBN 13 978-0-328-34224-2 ISBN 10 0-328-34224-6 Copyright Pearson Education Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction storage in a retrieval system or transmission in any form by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or likewise. For information regarding permissions write to Permissions Department Scott Foresman 1900 East Lake Avenue Glenview Illinois 60025. 1 2 34 5678 9 10 V010 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 í í Earth and Space by Harriet Stansbury PEARSON Scott Fbresman BS í J What is the Sun The Sun is very bright. You can see stars in the night sky. Stars are made up of hot gases. The Sun is a star. You