tailieunhanh - 2010 census plans for census coverage measurement are on track

Tham khảo sách '2010 census plans for census coverage measurement are on track', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Government Collection of Private Information Background and Issues Related to the USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorization Anna c. Henning Coordinator Legislative Attorney Elizabeth B. Bazan Legislative Attorney Charles Doyle Senior Specialist in American Public Law Edward c. Liu Legislative Attorney March 2 2010 Congressional Research Service 7-57IM R4W80 CRS Report for Congress----------- Prrpurrd fi r A em tm and Commiitea o Congress Coi ỉvitHưnt Coiỉtction nỊ PriUiitf htfin-maiitHt Summary Congress enacted the USA PATRIOT Act soon after the 9 11 terrorist attacks. The must controversial sections of the act facilitate the federal government s collection of more information from a greater number of sources than had previously been authorized in criminal or foreign intelligence investigations. The foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 1-TSA . the Electronic Communications Privacy Act ECPAk and the national security letter i NSL statutes were all bolstered. With the changes came greater access to records showing an individual s spending and communication patterns as well as increased authority to intercept e-mail and telephone conversations and to search homes aixl businesses. In some cases evidentiary standards required to obtain Cixin approval for the collection of information were lowered. Other approaches included expanding the scope of information subject to search. adding flexibility h the methods by which information Cixild be collected aixl broadening the purposes for which information may be sought. Some perceived the changes as necessary to unearth terrorist cells and update investigative authorities to respond to the new technologies and characteristics of ever-shifting threats. Others argued that authorities granted by the USA PATRIOT Act and subsequent measures could unnecessarily undermine constitutional rights over lime In response to such concerns sunset provisions were established for many of the changes. Subsequent measures made most of the USA