tailieunhanh - Ebook Tricia's talent

Nhằm giúp quý phụ huynh và thầy cô giáo có thêm tài liệu tham khảo trong quá trình dạy tiếng Anh cho trẻ em, nội dung cuốn sách "Tricia's talent". Với những hình ảnh trực quan sinh động giúp các bé dễ dàng tiếp thu bài học. Hy vọng đây là tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích cho các bạn. | by Christianne C. Jones illustrated by Beatriz Helena Ramos A Note to Parents and Caregivers Read-it Readers are for children who are just starting on the amazing road to reading. These beautiful books support both the acquisition of reading skills and the love of books. The PURPLE LEVEL presents basic topics and objects using high frequency words and simple language patterns. The RED LEVEL presents familiar topics using common words and repeating sentence patterns. The BLUE LEVEL presents new ideas using a larger vocabulary and varied sentence structure. The YELLOW LEVEL presents more challenging ideas a broad vocabulary and wide variety in sentence structure. The GREEN LEVEL presents more complex ideas an extended vocabulary range and expanded language structures. The ORANGE LEVEL presents a wide range of ideas and concepts using challenging vocabulary and complex language structures. When sharing a book with your child read in short stretches pausing often to talk about the pictures. Have your child turn the pages and point to the pictures and familiar words. And be sure to reread favorite stories or parts of stories. There is no right or wrong way to share books with children. Find time to read with your child and pass on the legacy of literacy. Adria F. Klein . Professor Emeritus California State University San Bernardino California Editor Jill Kalz Designer Joe Anderson Page Production Angela Kilmer Creative Director Keith Griffin Editorial Director Carol Jones The illustrations in this book were created digitally. Picture Window Books 5115 Excelsior Boulevard Suite 232 Minneapolis MN 55416 877-845-8392 Copyright 2007 by Picture Window Books All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. The publisher takes no responsibility for the use of any of the materials or methods described in this book nor for the products thereof. Printed in the United States of America. .

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