tailieunhanh - Ebook Underwater explorers

Invite you to consult the text book "Underwater explorers" below to capture the content and placing sentences with the words: Aquifer, condensation, evaporation, precipitation, reservoir, salinity, sleet, sublimation, water table. I hope the books contents are useful references for you. | Genre Comprehension Skill Text Features Science Content Nonfiction Sequence Diagrams Maps Captions Glossary Water on Earth Scott Foresman Science PEARSON Scott Foresman by Laura Johnson Vocabulary Extended Vocabulary aquifer crust condensation descend evaporation marine precipitation oceanography reservoir seamount salinity smoker sleet subduction sublimation trench water table Picture Credits Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions. Photo locators denoted as follows Top T Center C Bottom B Left L Right R Background Bkgd . 2 Digital Vision 4 Gary Bell Australian Picture Library Corbis 10 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 11 BR R. Catanach NOAA 16 NOAA 19 B Science Museum London DK Images 20 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center NASA Image Exchange. Unless otherwise acknowledged all photographs are the copyright of Dorling Kindersley a division of Pearson. ISBN 0-328-13936-X Copyright Pearson Education Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction storage in a retrieval system or transmission in any form by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or likewise. For information regarding permission s write to Permissions Department Scott Foresman 1900 East Lake Avenue Glenview Illinois 60025. 3456789 10 V010 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 u ater by Laura Johnson PEARSON Scott Fbresman CD What You Already Know 03 All the waters on Earth form the hydrosphere which covers about 75 percent of Earth s surface. About 97 percent of the hydrosphere is ocean water which has high salinity. There is very little fresh water on our planet and about 70 percent of it is in the form of ice. Most of our liquid fresh water