tailieunhanh - Ebook English for Presentations - Phần 1

Ebook English for Presentations - Phần 1 tập trung trình bày các vấn đề cơ bản sau: Let’s get started, today’s topic is. Hy vọng tài liệu là nguồn tài liệu bổ ích cho những bạn học chuyên ngành tiếng Anh. Mời các bạn cùng tìm hiểu và tham khảo nội dung thông tin tài liệu. | 0 vo o pr i. vrTT English for Presentations English for Presentations EXPRESS SERIES Marion Grussendorf OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents PAGE UNIT TITLE TOPICS USEFUL PHRASES 5 i I Let s get started Welcoming your audience Introducing yourself and the topic Dealing with nervousness Opening a presentation Structuring a presentation Organizational details talking about timing handouts questions Getting the audience s attention 15 Today s topic is. Body language Tips on presenting to an English-speaking audience Signposting phrases to organize your presentation Talking about difficult issues Referring to other points Adding ideas 23 f My next slide shows. Presentation tools Using approximate numbers Creating effective visuals Presenting visuals effectively Introducing visuals Saying numbers The rule of six Emphasizing important points Making contrasts and describing results 32 y As you can see from this graph . Types of visuals Describing graphs and charts Interpreting visuals Tips for describing trends Talking about visuals Talking about trends verb tenses adjectives and adverbs 42 u To sum up . Concluding a presentation Strategies for a good conclusion Summarizing the main points Making recommendations Phrases for effective conclusions Using your voice effectively stressing words making pauses 50 fj Any questions Handling the question and answer session Dealing with questions Asking polite questions Anticipating questions Dealing with interruptions Reforming questions PAGE APPENDIX 58 60 66 70 73 78 Test yourself Answer key Transcripts A-Z word list Presentation trainer Useful phrases and vocabulary