tailieunhanh - shoestring venture the startup bible 04

Tham khảo sách 'shoestring venture the startup bible 04', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | SHOESTRING VENTURE TURBOCHARGE YOUR BUSINESS THROUGH OUTSOURCING RICHARD HOOKER STEVE MONAS Shoestring Venture The Startup Bible RICHARD HOOKER STEVE MONAS illniverse Inc. New York Bloomington Xhoe-Alrin l sưưrt The Startup Hibỉẹ Copyright ĩ 24XW by Sỉh r I J right leteri . . purl of thi b H lí may ftr Mteiỉ Ilf ivj I mÍuihI by any mean gmpltir electronic tư mechanical including photocopying. recording. ÍII HII4 or Ly any information 1 ornẠii retrieval iỴAtem vilhilfjt the written periiÙAŨon of the piibỉÌAher etrepi in the rate of brief quotation embodied in critical articfet íi n rcrictcfi. Thi Ct4 i tn thi work ore tolvh thuM of the author nil J do nof IMUvxmìhỊỵ Iiựkrí r 1 rirttVk of the pabbihfi. anti ihr pubtt. hrt hrrvby h 4 LwitM any rv fur thrm. il nirrr r hard it may be ortirrcti throụỹh bfMitwttrn or by contacting iCnirorw Liberty ihicc lllixitnint lon L if r er l-X ffhAuthor fhíĩfMh Xĩì 677ị ỉỉccauM of thv t ynamic Htiiure of the Internet Ufi ĩlrh iiffdrt et or fuiAs coniaineti Iff Ai 6o 4 Mtty hare changetl iiaco pubỉưíttton anti may no ỉongcr be I lift J. Tft I irrc exptrmti in tin. noth are iOỈeíy ỉhu e of the anthoi ami lio not Meee-Miirity ivjirrt the rimi k of the pttbkther anti the Itíbỉishei hereby rh Lihne any resỊAttnAiláỉịiy ftư them. isttx 97 59. . . -Í pbk-f ISBi . . 6 597-Ỉ m Panted tn the tuteti nJ Amer a