tailieunhanh - Lập trình Wrox Professional Xcode 3 cho Mac OS part 40

Bạn có thể thêm các nút lớp để lựa chọn bằng cách giữ phím Shift trong khi nhấn các nút không được chọn hay kéo một hình chữ nhật lựa chọn. Các nút có thể được cá nhân được loại bỏ khỏi vùng lựa chọn bằng cách nhấn vào một nút chọn trong khi giữ phím Shift. Nó có thể là cần thiết để chọn khu vực nền hoặc các cạnh của một node; cách nhấp vào tiêu đề của nút hoặc một thành viên không thể bỏ chọn nó. Bạn cũng có thể gõ vài chữ cái rst fi. | Editing a Class Model 297 You can add class nodes to the selection by holding down the Shift key while clicking unselected nodes or dragging out a selection rectangle. Nodes can be individually removed from a selection by clicking a selected node while holding down the Shift key. It may be necessary to click the background area or the edge of a node clicking the node s title or a member may not deselect it. You can also type the first few letters of a class name. When listed alphabetically the first class that matches the characters typed is selected. Quick-Jump to Source Double-click any class or member in the class browser and Xcode jumps to its declaration in the source code. In the class diagram Right Control click on a node as shown in Figure 14-12 and choose one of the commands Go to Declaration Go to Definition Go to Documentation These same three commands can be found in the Design Class Model submenu. If an individual property or operation in the node is selected Xcode jumps to that specific instance variable or method. Otherwise you are taken to the class s definition implementation or documentation. If a class or method appears in the API documentation a small book icon appears next to its name in the browser. Clicking the book icon jumps to its documentation and is the same as choosing the Design Class Model Go to Documentation command. uo to Definition Go to Documentation Add Comment Cut FIGURE 14-12 - fl j Go to Declaration EDITING A CLASS MODEL Editing a class diagram is limited to customizing its appearance. As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter you can t alter the definition of a class in a class model. Class modeling is strictly a visualization tool. Any changes you make will be mostly cosmetic. That said you can alter the layout and appearance of the class diagram significantly which can profoundly influence its effectiveness as a programming aid. Moving Nodes The main point of class diagrams is to visually represent the relationship .