tailieunhanh - CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 17

CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide part 17. Learn to create outstanding fine art and eye-catching commercial graphics with one powerful tool! CorelDRAW X5: The Official Guide is your comprehensive reference and workbook to get you started designing visually captivating CorelDRAW artwork. Learn, step by step, how to create the illustrations you've imagined, quickly assemble layouts for print and package designs, import and edit photos, master the art of typography and the science of color theory, make 3D scenes from 2D objects, and apply special effects to ordinary pictures. Packed with expert techniques and advice for creating professional-quality art, this. | 124 CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide TIP I 4. 3. Let s say you re not thrilled with the From and To colors in the fountain fill. To change a color while the Interactive Fill tool is still selected and you can still see the control handles for the fill above the gear drawing click the tiny From color marker it s marked with the color you chose in the previous tutorial. Now the color is highlighted and available for editing. Click a light gray color well on the Color Palette. Then click the To color marker and click a medium to dark gray color well on the Color Palette. If you re careful you can drag a color well color and drop it on the selected From and To color markers above the object to recolor them. Now let s say that the color transition between From and To in the fountain fill isn t dramatic enough but you do like the two colors. Adjust the midpoint of the fill by dragging on the midpoint control shown in Figure 5-3. You drag it toward the From color marker to emphasize the To color in the fill and vice versa. Color well Interactive Fill G N Mesh Fill M FIGURE 5-3 Use the Interactive Fill tool to embellish your illustration. CHAPTER 5 The X5 Test Drive 125 5. The D gear is looking terrific now and it s going to look more terrific by the end of the chapter. To quickly add the same sort of fill to the G gear choose the Attributes Eyedropper tool from the toolbox. Click over the D gear to sample its properties and then click over the G gear to apply the sampled properties as shown next occasionally you luck out in Life and some things are simple. Press CTRL S to save your work up to this point. In fact just make it a practice to save your work every 10 minutes or so it s only two keystrokes. 5 TIP With the exception of the Text tool pressing the SPACEBAR toggles your current tool to the Pick tool a second press of the SPACEBAR toggles you back to the last tool you were using. Going 3D Although CorelDRAW is a drawing program and not a modeling application such as