tailieunhanh - Collaborative Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Collaborative Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks presents about Characterizing collaborative/coordinated attacks, Types of collaborative attacks, Open issues, Proposed solutions, Conclusions and outlook and something else. | Collaborative Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks* Prof. Bharat Bhargava Department of Computer Sciences Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS ) Purdue University * Supported in part by NSF grant IIS 0209059, 0242840 Outline Characterizing collaborative/coordinated attacks Types of collaborative attacks Open issues Proposed solutions Conclusions and outlook Collaborative Attacks Informal definition: “Collaborative attacks (CA) occur when more than one attacker or running process synchronize their actions to disturb a target network” Collaborative Attacks (cont’d) Forms of collaborative attacks Multiple attacks occur when a system is disturbed by more than one attacker Attacks in quick sequences is another way to perpetrate CA by launching sequential disruptions in short intervals Attacks may concentrate on a group of nodes or spread to different group of nodes just for confusing the detection/prevention system in place Attacks may be long-lived or short-lived Attacks on routing Collaborative Attacks (cont’d) Open issues Comprehensive understanding of the coordination among attacks and/or the collaboration among various attackers Characterization and Modeling of CAs Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) capable of correlating CAs Coordinated prevention/defense mechanisms Collaborative Attacks (cont’d) From a low-level technical point of view, attacks can be categorized into: Attacks that may overshadow (cover) each other Attacks that may diminish the effects of others Attacks that interfere with each other Attacks that may expose other attacks Attacks that may be launched in sequence Attacks that may target different areas of the network Attacks that are just below the threshold of detection but persist in large numbers Examples of Attacks that can Collaborate Denial-of-Messages (DoM) attacks Blackhole attacks Wormhole attacks Replication attacks Sybil attacks Rushing attacks . | Collaborative Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks* Prof. Bharat Bhargava Department of Computer Sciences Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS ) Purdue University * Supported in part by NSF grant IIS 0209059, 0242840 Outline Characterizing collaborative/coordinated attacks Types of collaborative attacks Open issues Proposed solutions Conclusions and outlook Collaborative Attacks Informal definition: “Collaborative attacks (CA) occur when more than one attacker or running process synchronize their actions to disturb a target network” Collaborative Attacks (cont’d) Forms of collaborative attacks Multiple attacks occur when a system is disturbed by more than one attacker Attacks in quick sequences is another way to perpetrate CA by launching sequential disruptions in short intervals Attacks may concentrate on a group of nodes or spread to different group of nodes just for confusing the detection/prevention .