tailieunhanh - Computer Security: Chapter 9 - Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Role Classification Algorithm
Computer Security: Chapter 9 - Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Role Classification Algorithm includes about Algorithm (Algorithm Preliminaries, Algorithm - Training Phase, Algorithm - Classification Phase, Classification Algorithm Pseudocode), Experiments. | 9. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Role Classification Algorithm Prof. Bharat Bhargava Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) and Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University bb@ Collaborators in the RAID Lab (): Ms. E. Terzi (former Graduate Student) Dr. Yuhui Zhong (former . Student) Prof. Sanjay Madria (U. Missouri-Rolla) This research is supported by CERIAS and NSF grants from IIS and ANIR. RBAC Role Classification Algorithm - Outline 1) Introduction 2) Algorithm ) Algorithm Preliminaries ) Algorithm - Training Phase ) Algorithm - Classification Phase ) Classification Algorithm Pseudocode 3) Experiments ) Experiment 1: Classification Accuracy ) Experiment 2: Detection and Diagnosis ) Experiment Summary 1) Introduction Goals for RBAC Role Classification Algorithm Detect intruders (malicious users) that enter the system Build user role profiles using a supervised clustering algorithm Incorporate the method in RBAC Server Architecture RBAC = Role Based Access Control Context Role server architecture that dynamically assigns roles to users based on trust and credential information Role classification algorithm phases Training phase Build clusters that correspond to the role profiles based on the previously selected training set of normal audit log records Classification phase Process on the run users audit records and specify whether they behave according to the profile of the role they are holding [E. Terzi, Y. Zhong, B. Bhargava et al., 2002] 2) Algorithm ) Algorithm Preliminaries Data format Audit log record [X1, X2 , ,Xn, Ri ] where: X1, X2 , ,Xn - n attributes of the audit log Ri : role held by user who created the log record assumption: Every user can hold only one role No records of the form: [X1, X2 , ,Xn, Ri ] [X1, X2 , ,Xn, Rj] with Ri Rj ) Algorithm - Training Phase Training Phase – Building the . | 9. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Role Classification Algorithm Prof. Bharat Bhargava Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) and Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University bb@ Collaborators in the RAID Lab (): Ms. E. Terzi (former Graduate Student) Dr. Yuhui Zhong (former . Student) Prof. Sanjay Madria (U. Missouri-Rolla) This research is supported by CERIAS and NSF grants from IIS and ANIR. RBAC Role Classification Algorithm - Outline 1) Introduction 2) Algorithm ) Algorithm Preliminaries ) Algorithm - Training Phase ) Algorithm - Classification Phase ) Classification Algorithm Pseudocode 3) Experiments ) Experiment 1: Classification Accuracy ) Experiment 2: Detection and Diagnosis ) Experiment Summary 1) Introduction Goals for RBAC Role Classification Algorithm Detect intruders (malicious users) that enter the system Build user role
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