tailieunhanh - Introduction to java programming: Chapter 25 - Networking

Introduction to java programming: Chapter 25 - Netorking's Objectives is to comprehend socket-based communication in Java, understand client/server computing, to implement Java networking programs using stream sockets, obtain Internet address using the InetAddress class, develop servers for multiple clients. | Chapter 25 Networking Chapter 16 Applets and Multimedia Chapter 24 Multithreading Chapter 18 Binary I O Chapter 25 Networking Chapter 16 Applets and Multimedia Chapter 26 Internationalization Liang Introduction to Java Programming Fifth Edition c 2005 Pearson Education Inc. All rights reserved. 0-13-148952-6 1 Objectives To comprehend socket-based communication in Java . To understand client server computing . To implement Java networking programs using stream sockets . To obtain Internet address using the InetAddress class . To develop servers for multiple clients . To develop applets that communicate with the server . To send and receive objects on the network . To create applications or applets to retrieve files from the network . To render HTML files using the JEditorPane class . To implement Java networking programs using datagram sockets Optional . Liang Introduction to Java Programming Fifth Edition c 2005 Pearson Education Inc. All rights reserved. 0-13-148952-6 2 Networking Basics Internet protocol IP addresses - Every host on Internet has a unique IP address . - More convenient to refer to using hostname string localhost - One hostname can correspond to multiple internet addresses . - Domain Naming Service DNS maps names to numbers Liang Introduction to Java Programming Fifth Edition c 2005 Pearson Education Inc. All rights reserved. .