tailieunhanh - Oxford Collocation: Dictionary for students of English

To help you have more documents for the learning needs and learning English vocabulary, invite you to consult the document content "Oxford Collocation: Dictionary for students of English". Documents provided to the system you have translated words, these are useful references for new friends to learn English. | OXFORD Collocations dictionary for students of English A level noun abandon verb abashed adj abbreviation noun abhorrent adj ability noun ablaze adj able adj abode noun abolish verb abortion noun abscess noun absence noun absent adj absorb verb absorbed adj abstract adj absurd adj abundance noun abuse noun abuse verb abusive adj academic adj academy noun accelerate verb acceleration noun accelerator noun accent noun accept verb acceptable adj acceptance noun access noun accessible adj accessory noun accident noun accidental adj acclaim noun acclaim verb accolade noun accommodate verb accommodation noun accompaniment noun accomplice noun accomplish verb accomplished adj accomplishment noun accord noun accord verb account noun account verb accountability noun accountable adj accountancy noun accountant noun accumulate verb accumulation noun accuracy noun accurate adj accusation noun accuse verb accustomed adj ace noun ache noun ache verb achieve verb achievement noun acid noun acknowledge verb acknowledgement noun acne noun acquaintance noun acquainted adj acquisition noun acquittal noun acre noun act noun act verb acting noun action noun active adj activity noun actor noun actress noun acumen noun acupuncture noun ad noun adapt verb adaptable adj adaptation noun add verb addict noun addicted adj addiction noun addictive adj addition noun address noun address verb adept adj adequate adj adhere verb adherence noun adjacent adj adjective noun adjourn verb adjust verb adjustable adj adjustment noun administer verb administration noun admirable adj admiral noun admiration .