tailieunhanh - The 20 Key Principles of Goal Setting

Do you want to start seeing changes in your life? I’m here to tell you that you can and that you will if you follow these simple principles. All I ask is that you dare to dream. Ask yourself, “If I knew I could not fail, what would I do?” Dream as you did when you were a child; when you had a world of opportunity and possibilities. Dream as though you have no limits, because honestly you don’t. These 20 simple, but key principles will jump-start your life again; give you new energy, excitement, passion and leap you. | The 20 Key Principles of Goal Setting Drew Pierce Copyright 2012 by Drew Pierce Smashwords Edition A goal properly set is halfway reached. - Abraham Lincoln Do you want to start seeing changes in your life I m here to tell you that you can and that you will if you follow these simple principles. All I ask is that you dare to dream. Ask yourself If I knew I could not fail what would I do Dream as you did when you were a child when you had a world of opportunity and possibilities. Dream as though you have no limits because honestly you don t. These 20 simple but key principles will jump-start your life again give you new energy excitement passion and leap you forward from where you are now to where it is that you want to go faster than you ever dared to dream. 1 - Burning Desire Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve. - Wilfred Peterson The first principle of goal setting is to have a burning desire. This is not something that you can train yourself to have you either have it or you don t. You may be able to stay focused on your task or goal for a short time but without a burning desire you will inevitably lose steam. 2 - Have One Major Goal In each area of your life - spiritual financial health etc. There is one quality which one must possess to win and that is definiteness of purpose the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it. - Napoleon Hill About 95 of all Americans do not have goals. Out of the remaining 5 of Americans that do have goals most set too many goals. Why is this a problem Because without one major definite purpose or goal you have no clarity you are no closer to accomplishing any of your goals than the 95 of Americans that don t set goals at all. Your goals must be clear and specific. 3 - Set Goals that are Achievable Yet Stretch You You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought you are stuck with .