tailieunhanh - Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Gas Production: Technology, Impacts, and Policy

One way to get around this situation is to understand the water use of crop during growth, as this period demands maximum input. With this information, the contribution/influence of energy crops on water resources can be understood. Water requirements of a plant species can be calculated by estimating the minimum amount of water per hectare yield (or water limited yield), which is based on the potential yield of the crop species and the availability of water. Water use of plants (evapotranspiration) is dependent on the plant species. Evergreen plants, such as coconut have high evaporation rates and thus high evapotranspiration, thereby increasing the potential of ground water depletion. The local conditions like the climate, amount of rainfall, solar radiation, relative humidity, etc, also influence the ground water depletion potential to a great degree. . | Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Gas Production Technology Impacts and Policy Corrie Clark Andrew Burnham Christopher Harto and Robert Horner Argonne National Laboratory September 10 2012 Contents 1 Introduction to Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Gas Road and W ell Pad Casing and Hydraulic Fracturing and Production Abandonment and 2 Shale Gas Resource and 3 Potential Environmental Impacts Associated with Shale Gas Life-cycle GHG Local Air Water Consumption over Life Water Induced Community 4 Mitigating Impacts Strategies and Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Local Air Water Quantity and Community 5 Policy Issues Studies and Federal State Local EPA Secretary of Energy Advisory Board 6 Summary and ii Acknowledgements Argonne National Laboratory s work was supported by the . Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clean Cities Program under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. Special thanks are extended for critical reviews by Natenna Dobson of . Department of Energy s Office of Oil and Natural Gas Linda Bluestein and Dennis Smith of . Department of Energy s Clean Cities Program and Marcy Rood Werpy of Argonne National Laboratory. The authors are responsible for the content of the report not the . Department of Energy Argonne National Laboratory nor our reviewers. .