One of the essential aspects is described of an expert system (called LEXICOGRAPItER), designed to supply the user with diverse brformation about Russian words, h~cluding bibliographic hiformation concemhrg hrdividual lexical entries. Tire lexical database of tire system contahrs semantic btfonnation that catmot be elicited from the existhrg dictionaries. Tire priority is given to semantic features influenchtg lexical or grammatical co-occurrence restrictions. Possibilities are discussed of predicting selectional restrictions on the basis of semantic features of a word bz the lexicon. . | SEMANTIC FEATURES AND SELECTION RESTRICTIONS Elena V. Paducheva Institute of scientific and technical information VINITI Academy of Sciences of the USSR Moscow Usievicha20a Telefax 9430060 of the essential aspects is described of an expert system called LEXICOGRAPHER designed to supply the user with diverse information about Russian words including bibliographic information concerning individual lexical entries. The lexical database of the system contains semantic information that cannot be elicited from the existing dictionaries. The priority is given to semantic features influencing lexical or grammatical co-occurrence restrictions. Possibilities are discussed of predicting selectional restrictions on the basis of semantic features of a word in the lexicon. DATABASE OF THE SYSTEM LEXICOGRAPHER is an expert system designed in the first place for the purposes of natural language processing. The work on the project is being conducted by a group of researchers including . cf. Paduchcva Rakhilina 1989. The system consists of two basic components lexical database LBD bibliographical database BBD . LBD is a vocabulary presented in a machine readable form and consisting of several domaines as in a usual relational database. The user may get information about morphology syntactic features semantic features prosody and referential features of individual lexical items. Among the semantic features that arc included or must be included in the database there are such features as Speech act verb Performative verb Verb of motion Kinship term Part of the body Person as opposed to a physical body Parameter etc. all in all several dozen features. Programs now existing give the following options marking the vocabulary by a feature presented as a list of words compiling lists of words possessing a common feature or a set of features named compiling lists of documents containing information about the