tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Processing Language with Logical Types and Active Constraints"

In this document, we present a language which associates type construction principles to constraint logic programming. We show that it is very appropriate for language processing, providing more uniform, expressive and efficient tools and treatments. We introduce three kinds of constraints, that we exemplify by motivational examples. Finally, we give the procedural semantics of our language, combining type construction with SLDresolution. | Processing Language with Logical Types and Active Constraints Patrick SAINT-DIZIER IRIT Universitó Paul Sabatier 118 route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse cedex FRANCE e-mail stdizier@ ABSTRACT In this document we present a language which associates type construction principles to constraint logic programming. We show that it is very appropriate for language processing providing more uniform expressive and efficient tools and treatments. We introduce three kinds of constraints that we exemplify by motivational examples. Finally we give the procedural semantics of our language combining type construction with SLD-resolution. Introduction With the development of highly parameterized syntactic theories like Government and Binding theory and Head-Driven phrase structure grammars and with the development of theories where rewriting and unification plays a central role like Categorial grammars and Unification Grammars there is an increasing need for more appropriate and more efficient feature systems. Feature systems must be designed to preserve the adequacy die expressiveness and the explanatory power of the linguistic system that one wants to model. Real parsing as well as generation systems often require the manipulation of large sets of features these systems must therefore offer a great flexibility in the specification of features in grammar symbols and a significant modularity so that each linguistic aspect morphological categorial . can be dealt with independently. Features are often subject to various constraints. These constraints cannot always be evaluated at the level they are formulated . a feature value is not yet known but have to be evaluated later and must be true throughout the whole parsing or generation process. The development of principled-based approaches to language processing also requfre the definition of more abstract formal systems to handle in an adequate way these principles. Principles indeed often apply not at grammar rule level .