Approximately, 10,000 naturally occurring noun phrases taken from the LOB corpus were used firstly, to evaluate the NP component of the Alvey ANLT grammar (Grover et al., 1987, 1989) and secondly, to retest Sampson's (1987a) claim that this data provide evidence for the lack of a clear-cut distinction between grammatical and 'deviant' examples. The examples were sorted and classified on the basis of the lexical and syntactic analysis undertaken as part of the LOB corpus project (Sampson, 1987b). . | THE SYNTACTIC REGULARITY OF ENGLISH NOUN PHRASES Lita Taylor Claire Grover Ted Briscoe1 Department of Linguistics University of Lancaster Bailrigg Lancs. LAI 4YT UK. ABSTRACT Approximately 10 000 naturally occurring noun phrases taken from the LOB corpus were used firstly to evaluate the NP component of the Alvey ANLT grammar Grover et al. 1987 1989 and secondly to retest Sampson s 1987a claim that this data provide evidence for the lack of a clear-cut distinction between grammatical and deviant examples. The examples were sorted and classified on the basis of the lexical and syntactic analysis undertaken as part of the LOB corpus project Sampson 1987b . Tokens of each resulting type were parsed using the ANLT grammar and the results analysed to determine the success rate of the parses and the generality of the rules employed. INTRODUCTION In this paper we present the results of an analysis of just over 10 000 English noun phrases NPs extracted from the Lancaster Oslo Bergen LOB corpus treebank Sampson 1987b a syntactically analysed 50 000 word subset of the 1 million word LOB corpus. The motivation for this research is twofold. Firstly we wish to use this substantial data-base of naturally occurring constructions to test the accuracy and adequacy of a purportedly wide-coverage sentence grammar Grover et al. 1987 1989 which has been developed over the past three years as part of a general-purpose morphological and syntactic analyser for English hereafter the Alvey Natural Language Tools ANLT grammar .2 The research reported here forms part of an ongoing project to evaluate the complete grammar using data exữacted from the LOB corpus see Briscoe et al. 1987a . Secondly Sampson 1987a has analysed a large subset of the same NPs and argued that they provide evidence against any clear-cut distinction between grammatical and deviant sentences in natural language. Sampson suggests that the lack of such a distinction precludes the possibility of successful automated .