Efficient ethanol plants can convert 90-97 percent of the corn’s starch content to ethanol. However, not all batches of corn leave the same amount of starch residue. Studies of ethanol yields from different batches show significant variability (Dien et al., March 2002). Even though it is the starch that is turned into ethanol, researchers have been unable to find a correlation between starch content (or even starch extractability) and the final yield of ethanol (Singh and Graeber). Researchers believe some starches are in a more available form (Dien et al., March 2002). They do not know, however, what makes the starch break down easily to simple sugars and. | BISPHENOL A ALTERNATIVES IN THERMAL PAPER DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT July 2012 DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE us. EPA i DRAFT REPORT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Table of Contents 1 Purpose of the BPA in Thermal Paper Alternatives Scope of the BPA in Thermal Paper Alternatives Chemical Alternatives Assessment as a Risk Management 2 Products and Materials BPA in Thermal BPA as a Developer in Thermal Thermal Paper 3 Background on Thermal Printing Components of Thermal Printing Thermal Printing Equipment and Advantages and Disadvantages of Thermal Printing Alternatives Included in this Alternatives Not Included in this 4 Hazard Evaluation of Bisphenol A BPA and Toxicological and Environmental Definitions of Each Endpoint Evaluated Against Endpoints Characterized but Not Data Sources and Assessment Identifying and Reviewing Measured Hierarchy of Data Assessment of Oligomeric Importance of Physical and Chemical Properties Environmental Transport and Evaluating Human Health Endpoints Characterized and Evaluated Against Criteria Based on Measured Data. 418 SAR - Application of SAR and Expert Judgment to Endpoint Evaluating Environmental Environmental Endocrine Hazard Summary Hazard Bisphenol Bisphenol Bisphenol ii DRAFT REPORT - DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE Bisphenol Substituted Phenolic Compound Substituted Phenolic .