tailieunhanh - Dissertation summary: Improving teaching techniques for the military college lecturers

Research objcetive: Clarify the theorical basis of improving teaching techniques for the military college lecturers. Survey, assess the situation of the teaching techniques of the lecturers in the military colleges and the organization of improving the teaching techniques for the lecturers in the military colleges during this time. | The lecturers in the military colleges must do many responsipilities and tasks in the process of implementing their functions to perform: teaching, educating learners, do scientific research and implement other tasks in accordance with the rules of the Ministry of Defense. In which, teaching is considered central political task of the lecturers in the military colleges. With the leading role in organizing and controling the teaching process, the lectures plays a decisive role to the quality of teaching in the military colleges. Teaching is a regular activity of teachers in general, of the lectures in the military colleges in particular. The results of teaching activities is one of the criteria for evaluating the training-education quality of the colleges, qualifications and capability assessment of lecturers. Like any human activities, if the teaching activities is effective, the lecturers must have teaching techniques. Teaching techniques reflect expertise of pedagogical techniques of lecturers. The more perfect teaching techniques are, the higher quality of the teaching process is.