tailieunhanh - Retrieval of the source location and mechanical descriptors of a hysteretically-damped solid occupying a half space by full wave inversion of the the response signal on its boundary

The key component of osteocyte’s mechanosensing apparatus is the pericellular matrix. limited electron microscope studies reveal that this fluffy “jungle” consists of nanoscale fibrous structures, (about 100nm thick), filling the tiny gap between the cell membrane and the bone matrix. Mechanically, it controls the hydraulic permeability of the bone tissue, determining how easy fluid flows around the cells under external loading. Biologically, the fluid flow passing the fluffy layer deforms the transmembrane components, allowing cells to sense and respond to external forces | Retrieval of the source location and mechanical descriptors of a hysteretically-damped solid occupying a half space by full wave inversion of the the response signal on its boundary Gaelle Lefeuve-Mesgouez Arnaud Mesgouez Ị Erick Ogam Thierry Scotti Armand Wirgin January 6 2012 hal-00657609 version 1 - 7 Jan 2012 Abstract The elastodynamic inverse problem treated herein can be illustrated by the simple acoustic inverse problem first studied by Colladon 1827 retrieve the speed of sound C in a liquid from the time T it takes an acoustic pulse to travel the distance D from the point of its emission to the point of its reception in the liquid. The solution of Colladon s problem is obviously C D T and that of the related problem of the retrieval of the position of the source from T is D CT. The type of questions we address in the present investigation in which the liquid is a solid occupying a half space T a complete signal rather than the instant at which it attains its maximum and C a set of five parameters are how precise is the retrieval of C when D is known only approximately and how precise is the retrieval of D when C is plagued with error Université d Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse UMR EMMAH Faculte des Sciences F-84000 Avignon France Université d Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse UMR EMMAH Faculte des Sciences F-84000 Avignon France LMA CNRS UPR 7051 Aix-Marseille Univ Centrale Marseille F-13402 Marseille Cedex 20 France LMA CNRS UPR 7051 Aix-Marseille Univ Centrale Marseille F-13402 Marseille Cedex 20 France LMA CNRS UPR 7051 Aix-Marseille Univ Centrale Marseille F-13402 Marseille Cedex 20 France 1 Contents hal-00657609 version 1 - 7 Jan 2012 1 General introduction 3 Statement of the inverse problem. 3 The two models. 4 The inverse crime. 4 2 Ingredients of the data simulation and retrieval models 4 The setting. 5 The boundary value problem. 5 Material damping and complex body wave velocities. 6 Plane wave field representations. 7 .