tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Parsing Flexible Word Order Languages"

The work reported here has largely involved problems with parsing Italian. One of the typical features of Italian is a lower degree of word order rigidity in sentences. For instance, "Paolo ama Maria" (Paolo loves Maria) may be rewritten without any significant difference in meaning (leaving aside questions of context and pragmatics) in any the six possible permutations: Paolo ama Maria, Paolo Maria ama, Maria ama Paolo, Maria Paolo ama, ama Paolo Maria, ama Maria Paolo. Although Subject-Verb-Object is a statistically prevalent construction, all variations in word order can occur inside a component, and they may depend on the. | WEDNESDAY Parsing Flexible Word Order Languages Oliviero Slock Cristiano Castelfranchi Domenico Parisi Istituto di Psicologia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Via dei Monti Tiburtini 509 00157 Roma ABSTRACT A parser for flexible word order languages must be substantially data driven. In our view syntax has two distinct roles in this connection i to give impulses for assembling cognitive representations 11 to structure the space of search for fillers. WEDNESDAY is an interpreter for a language describing the lexicon and operating on natural language sentences. The system operates from left to right interpreting the various words comprising the sentence one at a time. The basic ideas of the approach are the following a to introduce into the lexicon linguistic knowledge that in other systems is in a centralized module. The lexicon therefore carries not only morphological data and semantic descriptions. Also syntactic knowledge is distributed throughout it partly of a procedural kind. b to build progressively a cognitive representation of the sentence in the form of a semantic network in a global space accessible from all levels of the analysis. c to introduce procedures invoked by the words themselves for syntactic memory management. Simply stated these procedures decide on the opening closing and mantaining of search spaces they use detailed constraints and take into account the active expectations. WEDNESDAY is implemented in MAGMA-LISP and with a stress on the non-determinlstlc mechanism. 1. Parsing typologically diverse languages emphasizes aspects that are absent or of little importance in English. By taking these problems into account some light may be shed on a insufficiently treated psycholinguistic aspects b a design which is less language-dependent c extra- and non-grammatical aspects to be taken into consideration in designing a friendly English user Interface. The work reported here has largely involved problems with parsing Italian. One of the .